Work Product (Artifact): Workload Analysis Model
This artifact is a model that identifies one or more workload profiles deemed to accurately define a system state of interest in which evaluation of the software and/ or it's operating environment can be undertaken.
  • To accurately define the loading conditions under which the Target Test Items must operate within their Target Configuration Environment.
  • To define a realistic representative workload that allows performance risks to be accurately assessed.
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  • None
Optional: External:
  • None
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Main DescriptionThe workload profiles composing the Workload Analysis Model represent candidate conditions to be simulated against the Target Test Items under one or more Test Environment Configurations. These are typically determined by analyzing anticipated or existing actor characteristics, user's business statistics (use cases), etc.
Brief Outline

1. Introduction

Identifies the purpose, background, and objectives of the performance testing within this project.

2. System Attributes and Variables

Identifies the attributes and variables of the system that uniquely identify the workload for the system being modeled.

4. Actor Definitions

Identifies classes of external clients whose use-case scenarios will need to be modeled to simulate / emulate loads on the system-under-test. Additionally this section identifies the proportion to which any actor comprises the load for a performance test.

7. Actor Attributes

Identifies the attributes and variables of each actor that uniquely identify the different characteristics of the external clients of the system. For each actor, identifies information such as human or non-human, data-feed rate, think time, transaction style, transaction complexity and behavior patterns characterizing the variability in user interaction with the system.

6. Actor Work Profile

Identifies the specific use-case scenarios executed by an actor and the percentage of time or proportion of effort spent by the actor executing the use-case scenarios to accomplish their total business responsibilities.

3. Work Load Profile

For a given profile, identifies the number of external clients being simulated / emulated during the test, including the number, type and distribution of the transactions. A profile may be defined in terms of "peak load", "average load" and so on.

5. Measurements and Criteria

Identifies the measurement and criteria to be used to evaluate successful achievement of the identified performance objectives. Measurements typically include response time limits or throughput capacity.

8. Remote Terminal Emulation Requirements

Identifies the requirements and constraints necessary to be addressed in creating a Test Environment Configuration that is acceptable for implementing and executing the performance testing.

Representation Options

The Workload Analysis Model (contents and format) may require modification to meet the needs of internal or external standards, guidelines, etc. Optionally, some aspects of the Workload Analysis Model can be encapsulated within the Test Plan 

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