Checklist: Test Plan
This checklist helps make sure that a Test Plan is complete.
Related Elements
Main Description

Check Items
The test plan clearly identifies the scope of the test effort

It must state the following:

  • Stages and types of test to be implemented and executed
  • Target-of-test features or functions to be tested / not tested (if appropriate)
  • Any assumptions, risks, or contingencies which may affect or impact the test effort
The test plan clearly identifies the artifacts (and version) used to generate the contents of the test plan
Each project requirement (as stated in use cases or the supplemental specifications) has at least one associated requirement for test or a statement justifying why it is not a requirement for test
All the requirements for test have been identified and prioritized for each of the different types of tests to be implemented and executed
A clear and concise test strategy is documented for each type of test to be implemented and executed
For each test strategy, has the following information has been clearly stated:
  • The name of the test and its objective
  • A description of how the test will be implemented and executed
  • A description of the metrics, measurement methods, and criteria to be used evaluate the quality of the target-of-test and completion of the test
All the resources needed to successfully implement and execute testing have been identified, including hardware, software, and personnel
The test plan contains a schedule or list of milestones identifying the major project and test related tasks (start and end dates, and / or effort)
The test plan identifies the artifacts created by the test tasks, when the artifacts are made available, how they will be distributed, their content, and how they should be used