Tool Mentor: Adding Rational Unified Process Templates to the ProjectConsole Navigation Tree
This tool mentor describes how to add Rational Unified Process templates to the ProjectConsole navigation tree.
Tool: Rational ProjectConsole
Main Description


ProjectConsole capitalizes on Java applet technologies to provide you with familiar and multiple forms of navigation.  If you click directly on the text of a tree control node, the work product page associated with that node is displayed.  If you expand a tree control node by clicking on the node's plus-sign, then hyperlinks that would be displayed by clicking on the text of the node are displayed as child nodes, from which you can continue navigating.

This tool mentor is applicable when using Microsoft Internet Explorer (release 5.5 or greater)  or Netscape (release 7.0 or later).

Tool Steps

To add a Rational Unified Process template to the ProjectConsole navigation tree:

  1. Launch a browser.
  2. Enter the URL for your installation's ProjectConsole site. The URL can be obtained by contacting your ProjectConsole administrator. The ProjectConsole logon screen is displayed.
  3. Enter a valid user id and password on this logon screen. The ProjectConsole work product browser is displayed.
  4. Select the parent node, that is, the node above the Rational Unified Process template being added. For example, to add a child node to the Analysis and Design node, expand these nodes: ProjectConsole, Projects, Webshop, Release 1.0, RUP Disciplines, and Analysis and Design.
  5. Right-click the parent node and select Add from the pop-up menu. For example, right-click the Analysis and Design node, and select Add.
  6. In the right frame under Node Type, click Report.
  7. In the Label box, type the name of the report. Refer to the Labels column of the table below. Click the Browse button next to the Template box and browse to the Rose folder, and select the appropriate template. Refer to the Templates column in the table below. click OK. For example, type "Rational Unified Process Class Report," in the Label box and browse to the "Rose/rup_class_list_for_class_report" template to display the Rational Unified Process Class Report.

    Labels Templates
    Rational Unified Process Actor Report rup_actor_list
    Rational Unified Process Business Entity Report rup_class_list_for_business_entities
    Rational Unified Process Business Object Model Survey rup_business_object_model_survey
    Rational Unified Process Business Use-Case Model Survey rup_business_use_case_model_survey
    Rational Unified Process Business Use-Case Realization Report rup_use_case_list_for_business_uc_realization
    Rational Unified Process Business Worker Report rup_class_list_for_business_workers
    Rational Unified Process Class Report rup_class_list_for_class_report
    Rational Unified Process Design-Model Survey rup_design_model_survey
    Rational Unified Process Package Report rup_package_list_for_package_report
    Rational Unified Process Software Architecture Document rup_software_architecture_document
    Rational Unified Process Use-Case Model Survey rup_use_case_model_survey
    Rational Unified Process Use-Case Realization Report rup_use_case_list_for_uc_realization
    Rational Unified Process Use-Case Report rup_use_case_list_for_uc_report
    Rational Unified Process User-Experience Storyboard Report rup_use_case_list_for_user-experience_storyboard

  8. Click the Browse button next to the Icon box and browse to "/projectconsole/pjc/Icons/Rose/Model.gif," click OK.
  9. In the Work product ID box, type the path to the Rose model. In order for the reports to display meaningful data, the Rose model must be created as described by the Rational Unified Process. To use a sample Rose model, type "Rose:Model:Path=${ARTIFACT_REPOSITORY}\Rose\ClassicsCDWorld.mdl."

    Note: The ClassicsCDWorld Rose model does not conform to the Rational Unified Process.

  10. Click the Modify button next to the Security list and add the groups and/or users that should have access to the report. Click OK.
  11. Click Save.
  12. The ProjectConsole navigation tree now contains the new report node. Click the node to display the report.
  13. To continuing adding Rational Unified Process templates to the navigation tree, repeat steps 4 through 12.

Note: The reports displayed by ProjectConsole are sample templates created using the Rational ProjectConsole Template Builder, and the published charts are created within the ProjectConsole Dashboard.