Tool Mentor: Forward Engineering Databases Using Rational XDE Developer
This tool mentor describes the use of forward engineering in the Rational XDE Developer software tool to generate a database schema or DDL script file from an existing Rational XDE Data Model.
Tool: Rational XDE Developer
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The following steps are performed in this tool mentor:

Set Model Properties

Two types of model properties must be set to enable forward engineering of the Data Model to create a database or Data Definition Language (DDL) file. These properties are:

  • Default Database Target Database Management System (DBMS) (see helpbook iconSetting the Default Database Target )
  • Default Database Assignment (see helpbook iconSetting the Default Database Assignment )

Rational XDE supports forward engineering to the ANSI SQL 92 standard and to the database management systems (DBMS) listed in the Rational XDE online Help topic helpbook iconDatabases Supported in Rational XDE .

Reference: helpbook iconSetting Data Modeling Options .

Forward Engineer Data Model to a Database 

Rational XDE can be used to forward engineer a Data Model to a new database schema or a new DDL file. You can forward engineer individual tables or an entire Data Model. Reference: helpbook iconDatabase and DDL Generation You initiate the forward-engineering process using the data modeling Forward Engineering Wizard provided by Rational XDE. (See helpbook iconGenerating Databases or DDLs .)  

Whether you decide to only generate a DDL or to execute the DDL to create a database, Rational XDE creates a DDL file for you in the directory that you specify in the wizard. The elements that Rational XDE includes in the forward-engineering process depend upon the options that you selected in the Forward Engineering Wizard. All elements or DDL scripts are generated according to the specified DBMS. Refer to the following Rational XDE online Help topics for specifics on the different types of supported DBMS:

  • helpbook iconDB2 Database and DDL Generation
  • helpbook iconOracle Database and DDL Generation
  • helpbook iconSQL Server Database and DDL Generation
  • helpbook iconSybase Database and DDL Generation

If you forward engineer an ANSI SQL 92 Data Model, Rational XDE generates a DBMS-independent DDL. You can use the database tool of your choice to execute this DDL.

In order to perform the forward engineering of the database, Rational XDE must establish a connection to the appropriate DBMS. See helpbook iconConnecting to Database Management Systems  for more information on establishing database connections. Refer to the following Rational XDE online Help topics for information on establishing connections for a specific DBMS type:

  • helpbook iconOracle Database Connections
  • helpbook iconSQL Server Database Connections
  • helpbook iconSybase Database Connections
  • helpbook iconDB2 Database Connections

Manage Changes to the Model and Database

After the database or DDL has been created, the changes to the Data Model and generated database must be controlled and managed. Rational XDE provides a Compare and Synchronize feature to assist the database designer in managing change. Reference: helpbook iconComparing and Synchronizing in Data Modeling , Tool Mentor: Managing Databases in Rational XDE.