Tool Mentor: Performing Architectural Analysis Using Rational XDE Developer
This tool mentor describes how to Perform Architectural Analysis with Rational XDE Developer.
Tool: Rational XDE Developer
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Main Description


This tool mentor supports Performing Architectural Analysis with Rational XDE Developer - Java Platform Edition.  

This tool mentor assumes that a set of structured models has already been created, in accordance with the XDE Model Structure Guidelines.

Develop Architecture Overview 

Rational XDE can be used as a drawing tool to generate informal diagrams that describe the architecture overview.

Survey Available Assets

The architect must consider the reuse of in-place assets, including existing Rational XDE models.

Define the High-Level Organization of Subsystems

Add packages in the Design Model to reflect your layering strategy. In accordance with the example layering given in Rational XDE Model Structure Guidelines, the steps are as follows:

  1. Open the Design Model.
  2. Navigate to the package or packages that contain layering sub-packages.
  3. Create packages for each layer, and stereotype as <<layer>>. Reference: helpbook iconGrouping Model Elements in Packages , helpbook iconWorking with Stereotypes .

book iconRefer to the following white papers for guidance on structuring models:

Identify Key Abstractions 

Capture key abstractions in class diagrams with brief descriptions of each class. To do this:

  1. Open the Design Model.
  2. Navigate to the package containing key abstractions. See Rational XDE Model Structure Guidelines.
  3. Add a class diagram. See helpbook iconAdding Diagrams .
  4. Add classes to the diagram, stereotyped as <<entity>>. Reference: helpbook iconAdding Shapes to Diagrams , helpbook iconAssigning Stereotypes .
  5. Add a description to each class. See helpbook iconDocumenting Model Elements .
  6. Optionally associate a document with the class. See helpbook iconLinking External Files to Model Elements .
  7. Define any relationships that exist between the classes.
    • Add association relationships. See helpbook iconAdding Association Relationships .
    • Specify the kinds of association relationships. See helpbook iconSpecifying Kinds of Association Relationships .
    • Add generalization relationships. See helpbook iconAdding Generalization Relationships .

reference: helpbook iconWorking with Class Diagrams .

Identify Stereotypical Interactions

This step is included only when performing this task during inception.

The purpose of this step is to identify those interactions, between key abstractions in the system, that characterize or are representative of significant kinds of activity in the system. These interactions are captured as Use-Case Realizations.

For guidance on creating Use-Case Realizations in XDE, see Tool Mentor: Performing Use-Case Analysis Using Rational XDE.

Develop Deployment Overview

  1. Add a deployment diagram to the Deployment Model. See helpbook iconAdding Diagrams .
  2. Add nodes to the diagram. See helpbook iconAdding Shapes to Diagrams .
  3. Add associations between nodes. See helpbook iconAdding Association Relationships .

Reference: helpbook iconWorking with Deployment Diagrams .

Identify Analysis Mechanisms 

There is no Rational XDE specific guidance for this step.

Review the Results

There is no Rational XDE specific guidance for this step.