Tool Mentor: Performing Use-Case Analysis Using Rational XDE Developer
This tool mentor describes how to Perform Use-Case Analysis with Rational XDE Developer.
Tool: Rational XDE Developer
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Main Description


This tool mentor supports Performing Use-Case Analysis with Rational XDE Developer - Java Platform Edition.  

This tool mentor assumes that a Design Model and Use-Case Model have been created in accordance with the XDE Model Structure Guidelines. It also assumes that the Use-Case Model has been populated with actors and use cases by following Tool Mentor: Finding Actors and Use Cases Using Rational XDE.

The following steps are performed once per iteration:

Create the Use-Case Realization

For each use case to be analyzed:

  1. Navigate to the Design-Model package in which the use-case realizations are to be created. See Rational XDE Model Structure Guidelines.
  2. Create a use-case diagram to capture the use-case realizations (unless one already exists). See helpbook iconAdding Diagrams .
  3. Add a collaboration instance to the diagram. Give it the same name as the use case. See helpbook iconAdding Shapes to Diagrams .
  4. Add a realization relationship to the use case. See helpbook iconAdding Realization Relationships .

Reference: helpbook iconCollaboration Instances .

Supplement the Use-Case Descriptions

If the use-case description needs to be supplemented with additional internal behavioral descriptions, this can be done by adding to an existing use-case description created by following the steps outlined in Tool Mentor: Detailing a Use Case with Rational XDE. If the internal behavior of the system bears little resemblance to its external behavior, a completely separate description may be warranted. In this case, attach a separate use-case specification document (see Artifact: Use Case for the template) to the collaboration instance in the model. See helpbook iconLinking External Files to Model Elements .

Find Analysis Classes from Use-Case Behavior

  1. Navigate to the package in the Design Model that will contain the analysis classes. See Rational XDE Model Structure Guidelines.
  2. Create one or more class diagrams to capture the analysis classes. See helpbook iconAdding Diagrams .
  3. Add the analysis classes. See helpbook iconAdding Shapes to Diagrams .
  4. Assign analysis class stereotypes as appropriate. See helpbook iconAssigning Stereotypes .
  5. Add a brief description to each class. See helpbook iconDocumenting Model Elements .
  6. Optionally associate a document with each class. See helpbook iconLinking External Files to Model Elements .

Reference: helpbook iconWorking with Class Diagrams .

Distribute Behavior to Analysis Classes

  1. Navigate to each use-case realization (collaboration instance) to be analyzed.
  2. For each independent sub-flow (scenario), create one or more interaction instances. (In the Model Explorer, right-click the collaboration instance, and then click Add UML > Interaction Instance.)
  3. Create a sequence diagram for this interaction instance. See helpbook iconAdding Diagrams .
  4. Enter a brief description of the scenario that the sequence diagram depicts. See helpbook iconDocumenting Model Elements .
  5. Drag and drop actors and participating classes onto the sequence diagram. See helpbook iconAdding Shapes to Diagrams .
  6. Add messages between the objects. See helpbook iconAdding Messages or Stimuli .
  7. (optional) Describe the message. See helpbook iconDocumenting Model Elements .
  8. To describe how the object behaves when it receives the message, assign an operation to the message. See helpbook iconAssigning Operations to Messages or Stimuli . (If the operation does not exist, add one to the class as described under Describe Responsibilities below, and then assign the operation to the message.)


  • helpbook iconWorking with Class Diagrams
  • helpbook iconWorking with Interaction (Sequence) Diagrams

Describe Responsibilities

  1. Describe responsibilities of the class by adding operations. When you enter the operation name, precede it with two forward slashes (//). The use of these special characters indicates that the operation is being employed to describe the responsibilities of the analysis class. See helpbook iconAdding Operations to Classifiers .
  2. Add a description to each operation. See helpbook iconDocumenting Model Elements .

Describe Attributes and Associations

Use the following steps below to describe attributes and associations.

Define Attributes

See the helpbook iconAdding Attributes to Classifiers topic in the Rational XDE online Help.

Establish Associations Between Analysis Classes

  1. (optional) Navigate to each use-case realization, and add a class diagram to show the participants in the use-case realization. See helpbook iconAdding Diagrams .
  2. Add association relationships (either to the "participants" diagram for a use-case realization or to the class diagram in which the class was first introduced, or to both). (See helpbook iconAdding Association Relationships , helpbook iconSpecifying Kinds of Association Relationships .) Once a relationship has been added between classes on one diagram, it can be automatically added to another diagram. See helpbook iconAdding or Removing Related Connectors. .
  3. Specify multiplicity on each association end. See helpbook iconSpecifying Multiplicity in Association Ends .
  4. Specify navigability on each association end. See helpbook iconSpecifying Navigability in Association Ends .

Describe Event Dependencies Between Analysis Classes

Give a name or stereotype the associations to indicate event dependencies. See helpbook iconNaming Relationships , helpbook iconAssigning Stereotypes .

Reference: helpbook iconWorking with Stereotypes topic in the Rational XDE online Help.

Reconcile the Use-Case Realizations

Examine the analysis classes and their associations. Identify and resolve inconsistencies, and remove any duplicates.

Reference: helpbook iconWorking with Class Diagrams topic in the Rational XDE online Help.

Qualify Analysis Mechanisms

The analysis mechanisms used by a class and their associated characteristic do not need to be captured in a formal way. A note attached to a diagram (see helpbook iconAttaching Notes to Shapes ). You may also use an extension to the description of the class (see helpbook iconDocumenting Model Elements ) is sufficient to convey the information.

Establish Traceability

Add traceability dependencies between the Analysis/Design-Model elements and other models, as specified in project guidelines. For example, there may be a separate business model, conceptual data model, or model of user interface screens that you wish to trace analysis classes to. To do this:

  1. Create a diagram for Traceability. See helpbook iconAdding Diagrams .
  2. Drag and drop elements to be traced onto the diagram. See helpbook iconAdding Shapes to Diagrams .
  3. Add the traceability dependencies (abstraction dependencies optionally stereotyped <<trace>>). See helpbook iconAdding Abstraction Relationships .

Review the Results

There is no Rational XDE specific guidance for this step.