Artifact: Project-Specific Guidelines
This work product provides prescriptive guidance on how to perform a certain task or a set of task in the context of the project.
Work Product Kinds: Process

The Project-Specific Guidelines are used by the project members when performing the tasks assigned to them. Any tailoring decisions for the project's work products should be captured in the Project-Specific Guidelines.

Brief Outline

The outline is dependent on which work products the project will be producing.  Usually there is at least one section for each work product.

Key Considerations

Guidelines are typically selected from an underlying repository controlled by the process group in the organization. This work product is a place holder for the specific guidelines selected for the project.

Representation Options

Which guidelines to provide varies from project to project, and is based on what is available at the time of project execution. Guidelines might be specific to the production of a certain work product, or they might describe a specific technique.

Each guideline should be tailored to fit the specific context of the project.