Tool Mentor: Create Test Scripts Using IBM Rational Manual Tester
This tool mentor describes how to use IBM Rational Manual Tester to create test scripts.
Tool: IBM Rational Manual Tester
Main Description


IBM® Rational® Manual Tester makes it easy to write scripts to test software applications manually. From the Manual Tester Text Editor, you can type instructions (called statements) into a script. Once you begin writing the script, the Text Editor and Outline View allow you to easily organize the statement. In this tool mentor, you will work with four basic statement types, namely:

  • Step
  • Verification point
  • Reporting point
  • Groups

Tool Steps

To write a script using Rational Manual Tester, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a New Script
  2. Write a Step in the Text Editor
  3. Set a Step as a Verification Point
  4. Use the Set as Group and Remove from Group Features
  5. Set a Reporting Point

1. Create a New Script

  1. To create a new script, start Rational Manual Tester (click Start > Programs > IBM Rational Manual Tester > IBM Rational Manual Tester).
  2. Close the Welcome page if present.
  3. Select File > New. By default, the Text Editor prompts you with a "Begin typing test statement here" statement. The Text Editor is where you begin creating all new test scripts.
  4. Simply begin typing your test steps here.

2. Write a Step in the Text Editor

  1. A script consists of a series of steps. To write a step in the Text Editor, place the cursor to the right of the step icon and begin typing.
  2. A new statement is created when the enter key is pressed.
  3. As you type your step, the Outline View is populated with the same step. This allows you to easily see the structure of your script. This feature is particularly useful when steps in the script are grouped (see Step 4 below), and when you are dealing with large test scripts.

3. Set a Step as a Verification Point

  1. To create a verification point, place the cursor in a statement.
  2. On the Manual Tester toolbar, select the Set as Verification Point button. The icon changes from a step icon to a verification point icon.
  3. During the run of a test, you will have the option of selecting a result of inconclusive, pass, fail, or error for this point. For more details, see the Tool Mentor: Run Test Scripts Using IBM Rational Manual Tester.

4. Use the Set as Group and Remove from Group Features

  1. To use the Set as Group feature, simply click to the right of the step icon and click the Set as Group button. The succeeding step or steps will now be part of a group of statements.
  2. To use the Remove from Group feature, click on the Remove from Group button.

The grouping feature is an easy way to create logical groups for related steps in your script. Grouping also can become very useful when dealing with complex logic in a script.

5. Set a Reporting Point

Reporting points are essentially higher-level verification points. Like verification points, they are also question type steps. The reporting point is usually included in reports. A reporting point might summarize the result of several verification points.

  1. To create a reporting point, place the cursor in a statement
  2. On the Manual Tester toolbar, select the Set as Reporting Point Type button.

For more details on the difference between verification points and reporting points, see the Tool Mentor: When to Use Verification Points versus Reporting Points.