Tool Mentor: Structuring the Business Use-Case Model Using Rational Rose
This tool mentor describes how to use Rational Rose(R) to document relationships between business actors and between business use cases.
Tool: Rational Rose
Main Description


This tool mentor describes how to use Rational Rose® to document relationships between business actors and between business use cases.


To document relationships between actors and between use cases:

  1. Document actor-generalizations
  2. Document include-relationships between business use cases
  3. Document extend-relationships between business use cases
  4. Document use-case-generalizations
  5. Structure the business goals

For more details, see:

  • helpbook iconUse Case Diagrams (Overview) topic in the Rational Rose online help

  • book iconChapter 4, Introduction to Diagrams and Chapter 7, Use-Case Diagrams and Specifications in the Using Rose manual

1. Document Actor-Generalizations To top of page

You can insert a generalization relationship between one business actor and another business actor in a use-case diagram by using the Generalization drawing tool from the use-case diagram toolbox. Once you've created the relationship, you can describe it by adding text to the documentation field of the Generalize Specification dialog.

 2. Document Include-Relationships Between Use Cases To top of page

To create an includes relationship between two use cases in a use case diagram, you first create an association between the two use cases, then assign an includes stereotype to the association. You use the includes stereotype when one use case employs the functionality of another use case. The use case being used typically contains functionality that a number of other use cases may need or want.

Once you have created the association between use cases, you can:

  • Describe the relationship by adding text to the Documentation field of the Association Specification (General tab).
  • Change the navigability of a role in the include-relationship. By default, associations are uni-directional. By using the Navigable field on the Association Specification (Role A or Role B), you can create a bi-directional association.

 3. Document Extend-Relationships Between Use Cases To top of page

To create an extends relationship between two use cases in a use case diagram, you first draw an association between the two use cases, then assign an extends stereotype to the association. You use the extends stereotype to express optional or conditional behavior for a use case.

Once you have created the association between use cases, you can:

  • Describe the relationship by adding text to the Documentation field of the Association Specification (General tab).
  • Specify multiplicity (expected instances) of a role.
  • Change the navigability of a role in the extends-relationship. By default, associations are uni-directional. By using the Navigable field on the Association Specification (Role A or Role B), you can create a bi-directional association.

 4. Document Use-Case Generalizations To top of page

You can create a generalization relationship from one business use case to another use case when one use case provides common functionality (for example, when you have an abstract use case that provides common functionality to concrete use cases).

Once you have created a generalization relationship between use cases, you can describe the relationship by adding text to the Documentation field of the Generalization Specification.

 5. Structure the Business Goals To top of page

If you have very many business goals, it may be necessary to group logically related goals into separate packages within the "Business Goals" package.

To create a new package, do the following:

  • Right-click to select the "Business Goals" package in the browser.
  • Select Package from the New option on the pop-up menu. A "NewPackage" browser icon is added to the browser.
  • With the new package icon selected, type the name of the new package.

Very often, business goals are grouped according to the highest-level business goals. Use the name of the high-level business goal as the name of the package. Be sure that any other business goals and diagrams belonging to the high-level business goal are moved into the newly created package.

To move a sub-goal or diagram, do the following:

  • Ensure the newly created package is visible in the browser.
  • Find the business goal or diagram that must be moved.
  • Left-click to select the business goal or diagram in the browser. Keep the left button pressed.
  • Drag the selected business goal or diagram to the newly created package so that the newly created package is selected.
  • Release the left button to "drop" the business goal or diagram onto the newly created package.

You cannot drag more than one element at one time to another package.